
DanChro Director's Letter Vol. 2

Greetings to all.
This is Akaiwa, the Director of DanChro.
DanChro” was able to celebrate its Half-Anniversary on February 24, 2024.
Thank you very much to all the users who have been playing.

This time, in this Director’s Letter Vol. 2, we’d like to share our plans for future updates based on the recent survey results.

▼Regarding the Future Update Direction

Based on the feedback from the survey, we plan to focus on two key areas for improvement.

・Improvement of application performance
・Issue fixes

These two points were among the most common responses in the survey as areas of dissatisfaction with “DanChro”.
Among them, we received many comments in the open-ended responses stating that “the app often crashes.”
While we’re actively investigating internally, we believe that the main cause may be insufficient memory capacity due to the increased size of graphics. We’re considering various approaches to address this issue.

I myself also play DanChro on an iPhone 12 mini, and experience issues with the application’s performance and occasional crashes, compared to using the latest devices for verification.
As both a user and a director, experiencing these issues is not ideal, and I believe it’s important to improve the overall user experience and avoid subjecting our users to such situations.

We will focus on addressing issues and improving performance to ensure that as many users as possible can enjoy “DanChro” comfortably in the future.
We understand that it may be difficult to specify exactly when and to what extent improvements will be made, and the changes may not be immediately noticeable. However, the development team is committed to gradually creating a more comfortable environment for all users.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we appreciate your continued patience and understanding as we work to address these issues.

▼Regarding the Upcoming Update Schedule

In addition to the two points mentioned earlier, there are other updates planned as well. Let me briefly introduce them.

Increasing the Level Cap for Characters

The level cap for characters will be increased from 70 to 80.
We have implemented an update to expand the scope of character development through the Ability Board.
However, as six months have passed since the service started, we have noticed an increasing number of users with characters reaching a level of 70. Therefore, we have decided to raise the level cap this time.
To raise the level to 80, more upgrade materials will be required, so I recommend gathering various materials ahead of time before it is unlocked.
Furthermore, we will continue to monitor user trends and consider ongoing expansions of various limits related to character development.

Improvement of the Auto-Battle AI

Adjustments will be made to the auto-battle AI.
While it’s still tentative, adjustments are planned for the following aspects.

・Adjustments will be made to ensure that characters act immediately after using Assist Skills, Special Moves, or Skills, without standing idle.
・Adjustments will be made to prioritize targeting bosses.
・Adjustments will be made to ensure that each technique/skill is activated at an appropriate distance.
and more…

We have received a considerable amount of feedback regarding the auto-battle AI through our surveys as well.
Among them, we keenly realize that the auto-battle AI in the Uncharted Battlefield has been causing stress for our players.
We will continue to make improvements to ensure that battles in the Uncharted Battlefield and auto-battle are more enjoyable to play.

In addition to improvements, we are also considering a new feature for the Uncharted Battlefield that will enhance the enjoyment of team composition. This feature will allow players to select AI from multiple patterns.
Once we have more details to share, we will inform everyone through a notification at a later date regarding this matter. Please bear with us for now and thank you for your patience.
*It is anticipated that the selection of AI patterns will be available not only in the Uncharted Battlefield but also in other areas.

About the Magic Stone Scramble

According to the survey results, nearly half of the users responded that they do not find the Magic Stone Scramble enjoyable.
We have received various opinions, and we deeply acknowledge that we should have reconsidered the concept of the Magic Stone Scramble content at the initial planning stage.
At present, we are unable to provide specific details on when or how improvements will be made to the Magic Stone Scramble.
However, this doesn’t mean that we won’t be making improvements to the Magic Stone Scramble.
It may take some time, but we will continue to consider improvements to the Magic Stone Scramble, as there are still those who enjoy it.

Furthermore, considering that the “Clear the Magic Stone Scramble” missions have become burdensome for everyone, we plan to remove them from the daily missions as part of the adjustments.
*Additionally. we are considering a review of other daily missions as well.

New Contents

We are preparing to implement solo PvE content by June.
Many respondents from the survey expressed a desire for repeatable PvE content.
It’s anticipated that the new content will address the perceived lack of replayability in the game and serve as an addition to fill that gap. Please look forward to it!

Since I can’t provide detailed information at this moment, we’ll inform you separately about the specifics at a later time.

▼Recap of Announcements Made in the Previous Director’s Letter and Grand Schedule

Let’s take a moment to review the announcements made in the Grand Schedule Vol.1, published on October 22, 2023, and the Director’s Letter Vol.1.5, released on December 31, 2023.

All-Player Collaboration Event

This was being prepared for the Half-Anniversary, but implementation was stopped due to server load concerns.
However, we believe it’s an event that can definitely excite all users, and the concept remains within the development team. If we can resolve the load issues, we’d like to implement it.

Story Appreciation Feature (tentative name)

We are continuing development on a feature that allows you to view past event stories.
We are also considering how to incorporate rerun events, similar to those seen in other mobile games.
It may still take some time, but we appreciate your patience as we work on implementing it.

United Final Battle: Antares

Regarding the “United Final Battle: Antares,” we were working on implementing some exciting new mechanics that we wanted to include.
However, due to the significant strain it would put on graphics and system resources, we had to abandon the implementation of these mechanics and instead opted for a version focused solely on story battles.
We do have plans to introduce it eventually, but there are several factors to consider, and currently, there are higher priority tasks that need to be addressed. Therefore, we do not foresee implementing it in the near future.
We apologize for not being able to meet the expectations of those who were looking forward to it.

Familia Improvements

We have decided to change the implementation timing due to the improvements not being finalized yet.
We sincerely apologize to those who have been looking forward to it.
We are currently considering improvements internally within the development and operations teams.

Balance Adjustments for the “Support” Role

The current “Support” role in “DanChro” is designed with the concept of providing buffs to the party by activating Techniques and Special Moves.
However, due to the fast pace of the game, the timing to deploy the Support role has become extremely limited, making it difficult to convey its strengths.
As a solution, we have updated the Ability Board to allow players to apply buffs to their party simply by deploying the Support role, thus enhancing the value of the Support role.
Continuing forward, we aim to adjust each role to ensure that there are no extreme differences in strength among them.
*I personally would like to see Riviera, the UR Adventurer, become more prominent. I’ll continue to exchange ideas with the staff in charge to make this happen.


Thank you for reading this far.
While it may be irregular, I plan to continue providing information to everyone in the future with another Director’s Letter.
The next one is planned to be delivered around the summer.

We are also preparing an original scenario for the DanChro 1st Anniversary in August 2024.
It seems that the content will be extensive, similar to the direction of “Following the Sword Princess’s Footsteps…,” which was implemented during the year-end and New Year holidays. We hope you look forward to it.

We will continue to work together as a team to develop and operate “DanChro,” so we appreciate your continued support. Thank you very much.

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